This process will help you to determine the current state of the food and beverage choices offered. It serves as your baseline assessment. You can compare future assessments with this baseline. Assessing your facility or community will also help you to identify and plan for improvements across all of your operational areas where food and beverages are available. In moving forward with the changes you may wish to tackle one area at a time to make things more manageable.
Action #1: Complete an Assessment
The Facility Assessment Tool lets you identify and plan improvements in your recreation facility’s overall food environment.
If you are in a small, remote community without a recreation facility, use the Community Overview as your assessment tool.
Action #2: Complete Vending Audits
The Vending Audit Tool will help you to audit your facilities vending machines to see how the currently stocked products score according to the Nutrient Criteria of the Healthier Choices in Vending Machines in BC Public Buildings. The Brand Name Food List (BNFL) is an online tool that uses the Criteria to score packaged products. As a part of your Healthy Food and Beverage Initiative, you may wish to audit vending in one facility or many.
Action #3: Complete Food Service Audits
The Food Services Audit Tool also lets you know the state of the food and beverage choices you offer.
Action #4: Complete Patron Surveys (optional)
The Patron Survey lets you explore awareness about healthy eating initiatives among facility users. Introduction information and a Survey Script can be used to help you conduct the Patron Surveys.
This document is a great overview of the process.