Staff refers to recreation staff attending meetings and events in the work setting. A healthy staff is a more productive staff; improving the health of staff is a worthy goal for any workplace. But also, many of a recreation facility’s patrons are children. And children learn from observing the adults around them. Recreation staff members are important role models for healthy living.
Action: Discuss your healthy choice criteria with food providers
- Review with them the Eat Smart Meet Smart guidelines
- Consider the following during your discussion:
- Food and beverages served;
- Portion sizes;
- Pricing and affordability of Healthy Choice foods;
- Promotion and advertising of Healthy Choices; and
- The importance of leading by example.
Action: Raise awareness of Healthy Choices among staff
At meetings or events where food isn’t served:
- Encourage staff to bring healthy snacks, lunches and drinks.
- If staff members bring “treats” to share, ask them to bring healthier selections, or non-food items.
Host workshops for staff to learn more about the initiative and the importance of promoting healthy eating in recreation facilities. Some useful resource include:
- What is Healthy Eating?
- Canada’s Food Guide
- Food Labelling
- Understanding Nutrition Fact Labels (PDF)
- Understanding Ingredient Labels (PDF)
Action: Follow up
- Ensure staff and food providers continue to encourage healthy role modeling.